Land Subdivision

  • Design layout for small or medium subdivision development
  • Preparation of Subdivision Development applications to Council (NSW)
  • Preparation of draft subdivision plans for Development Assessment Commission (SA only)
  • Manage the subdivision process through to the issuing of titles for the new lots

Strata Subdivision – We have experience in both residential and commercial unit developments. We prepare draft and final strata plans of the development. We also carry out exclusive use area plans

Stratum Subdivision ( NSW) / Volumetric Surveys (QLD)– are applied in the creation of developments where a structure or land parcel is subdivided horizontally into lots at different levels (heights) within the one structure or land parcel. This enables each lot to be sold, leased, mortgaged or can be further subdivided by a strata scheme.

Typical applications of stratum subdivision include:

  • Mixed use developments containing shopping centres, commercial offices and residential home units occupying the same building
  • Signage
  • Airspace above buildings/structures,
  • Infrastructure envelopes (bridges, tunnels) for issuing of titles (or easements)

A boundary survey can only be carried out in the respective state jurisdiction by a

Registered Surveyor (NSW)

Registered Cadastral Surveyor (QLD)

Licensed Surveyor (SA)

To discuss your requirements call 1300 LYNTON or email


To discuss your next project call 1300 LYNTON or email